
How To Get Shadow Metagross

Metagross Raid Guide

Metagross Raid guide

Psychic   / Steel

Metagross is an piece of cake Tier 3 raid boss to defeat, with a CP value of 25440. 2 trainers should be more than enough to defeat Metagross in the raid. Metagross is vulnerable to Bug, Ghost, Dark type moves and mainly weaker to Pokémon such as Giratina, Yveltal, Volcarona, Darkrai, Hydreigon.

Metagross can obtain below CP values when defeated.

  • 2598 - 2708 CP during Snow and Windy conditions atmospheric condition.
  • 2078 - 2166 CP during other weather conditions.

Metagross is not available at the moment in raids and the last recently available engagement was July 13, 2022.

Atmospheric condition boost

Metagross raids will be boosted during Snowfall and Windy atmospheric condition conditions.

Psychic type Impairment Relations

Double impairment from: Bug
Double impairment to: Fighting
Half impairment from: Fighting
One-half damage to: Steel
No damage from: -
No harm to: Nighttime

Metagross Raid Counters

  • Giratina

    Giratina is a Ghost, Dragon blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Shadow Sneak   and fast moves: Shadow Claw   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Yveltal

    Yveltal is a Dark, Flight type Pokémon with charged moves: Dark Pulse   and fast moves: Snarl   Sucker Punch   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Volcarona

    Volcarona is a Bug, Fire blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Bug Fizz   and fast moves: Problems Seize with teeth   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Darkrai

    Darkrai is a Dark blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Dark Pulse Shadow Brawl   and fast moves: Feint Attack   Snarl   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Hydreigon

    Hydreigon is a Night, Dragon type Pokémon with charged moves: Dark Pulse   and fast moves: Seize with teeth   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Genesect

    Genesect is a Bug, Steel type Pokémon with charged moves: X-Scissor   and fast moves: Fury Cutter   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Heracross

    Heracross is a Bug, Fighting type Pokémon with charged moves: Megahorn   and fast moves: Struggle Bug   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Chandelure

    Chandelure is a Ghost, Fire type Pokémon with charged moves: Shadow Ball   and fast moves: Hex   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Yanmega

    Yanmega is a Bug, Flying type Pokémon with charged moves: Bug Buzz   and fast moves: Bug Bite   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Weavile

    Weavile is a Dark, Ice blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Foul Play   and fast moves: Feint Attack   Snarl   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Scizor

    Scizor is a Issues, Steel type Pokémon with charged moves: Nighttime Slash 10-Scissor   and fast moves: Fury Cutter   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Pinsir

    Pinsir is a Bug type Pokémon with charged moves: X-Scissor   and fast moves: Bug Seize with teeth   Fury Cutter   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Bisharp

    Bisharp is a Dark, Steel blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Nighttime Pulse Ten-Scissor   and fast moves: Snarl   which are constructive against Metagross.

  • Escavalier

    Escavalier is a Bug, Steel type Pokémon with charged moves: Megahorn   and fast moves: Problems Bite   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Gengar

    Gengar is a Ghost, Poison type Pokémon with charged moves: Shadow Ball   and fast moves: Hex   Shadow Claw   Sucker Punch   which are constructive against Metagross.

  • Honchkrow

    Honchkrow is a Dark, Flying type Pokémon with charged moves: Dark Pulse   and fast moves: Snarl   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Durant

    Durant is a Bug, Steel type Pokémon with charged moves: X-Scissor   and fast moves: Problems Bite   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Houndoom

    Houndoom is a Nighttime, Fire blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Crisis Foul Play   and fast moves: Snarl   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Mismagius

    Mismagius is a Ghost blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Night Pulse Shadow Ball   and fast moves: Hex   Sucker Punch   which are constructive confronting Metagross.

  • Scyther

    Scyther is a Bug, Flying type Pokémon with charged moves: Nighttime Slash X-Scissor   and fast moves: Fury Cutter   which are constructive confronting Metagross.

  • Crustle

    Crustle is a Bug, Rock type Pokémon with charged moves: X-Scissor   and fast moves: Fury Cutter   which are constructive confronting Metagross.

  • Trevenant

    Trevenant is a Ghost, Grass blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Foul Play Shadow Ball   and fast moves: Shadow Claw   Sucker Punch   which are effective against Metagross.

  • Drifblim

    Drifblim is a Ghost, Flight type Pokémon with charged moves: Ominous Wind Shadow Brawl   and fast moves: Astonish   Hex   which are effective confronting Metagross.

  • Leavanny

    Leavanny is a Problems, Grass blazon Pokémon with charged moves: Silvery Wind X-Scissor   and fast moves: Bug Seize with teeth   which are effective against Metagross.

Metagross Mega counters

Mega Absol, Mega Beedrill, Mega Gengar, Mega Gyarados, Mega Houndoom, Mega Sableye, Mega Sharpedo are best Mega counters to battle with Metagross if you have Mega evolved Pokemon or Mega candy.

Metagross shadow counters

Calyrex - Shadow Passenger, Shadow Absol, Shadow Alolan Raticate, Shadow Alolan Rattata, Shadow Anorith, Shadow Armaldo, Shadow Banette, Shadow Beedrill, Shadow Cacturne, Shadow Carvanha, Shadow Drapion, Shadow Dusclops, Shadow Dusknoir, Shadow Duskull, Shadow Forretress, Shadow Honchkrow, Shadow Houndoom, Shadow Houndour, Shadow Kakuna, Shadow Mightyena, Shadow Misdreavus, Shadow Mismagius, Shadow Murkrow, Shadow Nuzleaf, Shadow Pineco, Shadow Pinsir, Shadow Poochyena, Shadow Sableye, Shadow Scizor, Shadow Scyther, Shadow Sharpedo, Shadow Shiftry, Shadow Shuckle, Shadow Shuppet, Shadow Skorupi, Shadow Skuntank, Shadow Sneasel, Shadow Stunky, Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Venomoth, Shadow Venonat, Shadow Weavile, Shadow Weedle are best Shadow counters to battle with Metagross.

Metagross moves set up

Metagross volition use below moves during the battle.

Bullet Punch Fast Steel ten.0
Earthquake Charged Basis 33.iii
Flash Cannon Charged Steel 37.0
Psychic Charged Psychic 35.7
Zen Headbutt Fast Psychic 10.nine

Metagross raids weather impact

Here is how each weather status boosts Metagross moves and impacts your Pokemon during the boxing with Metagross.

Cloudy Nifty for battle
Fog Not bad for boxing
Partly cloudy Great for battle
Rainy Neat for battle
Snow Boosts Bullet Punch
Boosts Flash Cannon
Great for boxing
Sunny / articulate Boosts Earthquake Keen for battle
Windy Boosts Psychic
Boosts Zen Headbutt
Psychic is bad for Ghost blazon Pokemon, Psychic is bad for Dark type Pokemon, Psychic is bad for Bug type Pokemon
Zen Headbutt is bad for Ghost type Pokemon, Zen Headbutt is bad for Dark type Pokemon, Zen Headbutt is bad for Bug blazon Pokemon

Metagross stats

Attack: 257
Defence: 248
Max CP (level fifty): 4219
Max HP (level 50): 149

Shiny Metagross

Shiny Metagross is not obtainable from raids.

Raid events

  • Dialga raids

  • Moltres raids

  • Zapdos raids

  • Articuno raids

  • Mewtwo raids

How To Get Shadow Metagross,


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